Monday, December 12, 2016

Chaos Matters! (Guest)

Vol 1. No. 13 - Guest blogger:  Dr. Sam Samanta

This week, as the Fall 2016 semester winds down, I thought it would be fun to look ahead to a whole new semester, a whole new year, and a whole new world of Honors courses to explore.  So, I give you a sneak preview of one of the best kept secrets at FLCC - a class in Chaos.  I don't know about you, but I have a lot of Chaos in my life, and it would be amazing to learn how it works in our world!  Consider taking this class which, Dr. Samanta assures me, should not be looked at as "too hard" for any of our students.  If you can Honors, you can do it.  Give it a try!

SCI 137 01 CHAOS: The Self-Organizing Universe  (Writing Intensive)

Dr. Sam Samanta: Fridays 2-4:50 pm Honors House  (Plus 2 hours On-line work) 
Check out #SCI137 and #ChaosDuJour            


Do you ever wonder if the physical world and life driven by random events makes long-term predictions impossible? Scientists have found hidden patterns in solar-flares, weather, forest fires, stock-market crashes, flooding, earthquakes, cities, traffic-jams, internet, social-networks, galaxies, crimes, wars, tornados, hurricanes, and dynamics of human relationships. The temporal patterns of chaos are characterized by equations that can explain the apparent randomness. Through writing, discussion, lab experiences, and computer modeling, this course will explore the relevance of Chaos theory to our lives and demonstrate its impact across scientific disciplines as well as non-science areas such as communications, economics, the arts and humanities.
Now, more than ever before, we need a unified quantitative universal framework for making sense of the world; in order to communicate across disciplinary boundaries and undertake actions through which we affect change in our lives and world at large. We will identify Complexity as intersection of Chaos, Fractals, and Self-organization.

The core values focused at our college are: Inquiry, Interconnectedness, Perseverance, and Vitality. You will exemplify best practices of Inquiry through exploring Interconnectedness of issues that relate your major and/or life-long interests to the concepts and techniques of the Chaos course. We will exhibit Perseverance through the steps we undertake to overcome barriers to quantitative understanding of models and improving articulation of our synthesis through cycles of feedback on both written papers and verbal presentations (using PowerPoint/Prezi.). Through final public presentations to the community at large; we will exhibit Vitality of our intellectual journey and present actionable prescriptions for addressing the concurrent challenges we face at multiple scales: form personal lives, to lives of institutions, nation and world at large.

Your individual project work on this course could become basis for individualized major for baccalaureate and graduate studies or unique specialization in your professional career. This course is not about any singular destination. Your individual journey begins here for discovering new patterns of orderly disorder in the mind and the world; and finding effective strategies for harnessing creative forces from the chaos of life!


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