Monday, April 25, 2022

Ask Them Anything - Nonbinary, Storytelling, Gaming Extraordinaire

They will argue with this title, but I'm still using it because they are a pretty amazing human and they are willing to come share their amazingness with us.  I hope you will come.

Meet Ro Williams (they/them), Narrative Writer at Riot Games.

Ever wonder what it was like to work on video games?  Ever have a burning question about the industry and no one to ask it of?  Well, here is your chance.  

Ro is once again willing to 'come' chat with us for an hour, answering questions and telling us what it has been like to be first a woman...and then a nonbinary person in a world that is largely dominated by men.  Trends, industry news, how to get started, indies vs. triple As, what it's like from the inside - you can ask it all and Ro will share what they know.  This is a great opportunity for those looking to break into that world, those curious about nonbinary spaces out in the so-called 'real world', the use of an English or writing degree, and so much more.  Because what do all of theses things have in common?


Ro will tell stories about how they have made a living out of telling stories to countless gamers across the country and around the world.  

When:  Wednesday, April 27, 2022
Time:  5:00 - 6:00
Where:  Webex Link
Password:  GamersRock!

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