Friday, April 20, 2018

Chaos Matters!

Vol 1 No 25

Our Guest Blogger this week is Sam Samanta, Professor of Science and Technology. He is offering an Honors Studies event on April 26th and sent along the following flyer to serve as this week's blog. Hope to see you there!

What is Chaos and Complexity Theory? 
Does it matter in our lives?

Honors House Workshop    @InvariantChaos    
Thursday April 26, 4:30 pm – 5:50 pm

Participants will be introduced to elements of Chaos, Fractals, Self-organization and Complexity Theory through use of interactive activities and software.  We will draw fractals by hand, see a demonstration of self-organization, chaos and complexity. Interests of the participants will determine how many of the following questions and elements will be addressed.
          How does chaos different from randomness?
          What is the “Butterfly Effect?”
          Does Chaos in physical world make long-term predictions impossible?
          How is science of parts different from the science of the whole?
          Does the principle of causality need to be modified?
          How do these new concepts related to our personal and communal life?
          What has been the role of technological advances; what are the implications for the future.

The event is an open invitation for developing creative insights through understanding of hidden patterns in the dynamic world around you. We will use visual mathematics to explore art, biology, business ecosystems, music, mountains, clouds, rivers and streams, solar-flares, weather, ecosystems, forest fires, stock-market crashes, flooding, earthquakes, cities, traffic-jams, internet, social-networks, galaxies, crimes, politics, wars, tornados, hurricanes, and dynamics of human relationships. You will come to see natural fractal shapes such as trees and network of blood vessels; and chaos in heart-beats as source of adaptability and sustainability. Through writing, discussion, and demonstration, this event will explore the relevance of Chaos theory to our lives its impact across scientific disciplines as well as non-science areas such as the social sciences, the arts and humanities.

Other Contacts for More Information:

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